Dietary Supplement Product, exclusively developed as a Number 1 credibility & proven effective formulation from Taiwan. Manufactured and imported directly for Thai consumers.    

BT Care are Synbiotics contains both Probiotics and Prebiotics, which has proven results to take care of intestinal problems, digestive system, strengthening immunity, reducing the risk of colon cancer.

BT Care has patented manufacturing process that coats the living Lactobacillus microorganisms in a 4-layer shields, encapsulating them to keep them alive and work adhesion to the intestine, by not being destroyed during journey through the stomach.

Why choose BT care

  Research and Developed formulation in Taiwan

  Proven effective formula earning the No.1 credibility in Taiwan.

  BT Care is Synbiotic that contains Probiotics and Prebiotics

  Probiotics, Lactobacillus Ramnosus GG (LGG) strain contains 18 billion CFU per sachet. LGG is the most widely used probiotic strain for intestinal problems, as the property to resistance to destruction by gastric acid and alkali in the small intestine.

   BT Care contains Prebiotics; Isomalto- Oligosaccharide and Polydextrose,  which  are a type of fiber that the human body cannot digest. They help microorganisms of Probiotics strong and expand in large quantities, good for the gut.  

  Patent manufacturing process with Exclusive 4-layer encapsulation technique , proliferates in gastric acid & bile acid environments : High survival rate of Probiotics


Aid digestion and help maintain gut health
Take care of intestinal problems
Take care of irritable bowel syndrome
Boost health immune system
Support skin health

Reduce the risk of colon cancer

Suitable for

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
How to take
Mixed-Fruit Flavor, easy to take. Or dissolve BT care with half glass of water (room temperature)  
  Tear BT Care sachet
  Direct to mouth
  Chew and swallow
  Follow with 1 or 2 glasses of water

Manufacturing Standards

BT CARE No.1 trusted formulation in Taiwan more than 20 years,
Helps to balance the intestines, proven effective within 7 days
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